I haven't been sitting around since you last heard from me.
I've been fishing, with a friend...
And what a catch.
Beautiful Snapper, all a good size.
Plenty for dinner and some to share.
Tokerau Beach has certainly been the place to be. Although the weather has been a mixture, the fishing has been great.
1. 2 Snapper on fancy traces - they liked the beads!
2. The balloon coming in, its attached to 1.5km of line.
3. Yes... There were 6 more.
4. A bucket full of fish.
5. Fishing's finished, nothing left but footprints.
Snapper are an iconic Kiwi (New Zealand) fish, slow growing, long lived (up to 60 years). One of the largest most valuable coastal NZ fish. Commonly caught round the North Island and top of the South Island, mainly by bottom longlining or trawling at depths of 10-100 meters.
Those fish look familiar...