About 20km from Whangarei round the harbour.
I escaped the concrete car park where I was for a few days and came to the beach.
It's lovely - but cold - by Northland standards.
The tide's out and nobody much around but a walk in the sun well wrapped up was very nice.
I'm here with a couple of friends in their buses...
We are all lined up in the sun.
I've also been fiddling with my bike. I bought a new 'gel' seat so put that on and adjusted the height. Also bought some oil so have oiled everything that looked like it needed it.
The new seat has its own cover so one less plastic bag to tie on.
It's held onto the rack with straps and bungy cords...
I have also worked out how to put the lock through the wheels and onto the rack...
So it ceases to be an easy target for anybody who thinks they might like it more than I do.
One or two or even three of those buses look very familiar...