I've been to Huketere before but decided to pay it another visit.
There was a very strong easterly blowing into Tokerau Beach...
Sand flying everywhere...
Which made any wind assisted fishing impossible.
So I decided to go over to the west coast.
Huketere is about 40 km north from Awanui, up State Highway 1,
then turn off at Whalers Rd and it's 10 km to the coast.
Where I park is part of a privately owned property...
Called Utea Park...
Named after this nearby conical Utea (meaning Pathway) Hill.
Although it's not very high it's used as a fire lookout.
It's very much in the sandhills and wilderness...
There is a community room with a kitchen at one end...
Flush toilets and hot showers...
The charge is a 'Koha" (donation).
It's a vast stretch of beach... Used by many as the local highway.
The sand at low tide is very hard and in better condition than the road...
But a 4 wheel drive vehicle is definitely needed.
So about 16km in this direction (south) is the next exit off the beach
at Waipapakauri Ramp... Then it's a sealed road, not far to SH.
Me... I collected Tuatua... Again... I love them.
I keep them cool in a bucket of fresh sea water for 24 hours...
Then open with a sharp knife.
If I want to make fritters I don't double cook them...
They go tough very easily.
Here is the mix...
Chopped up Tuatua, an egg, small amount of chopped parsley,
tiny amount of finely chopped red onion,
1 small tablespoon of flour...
And delicious fritters...
I also tried out my new fishing kite...
It was a grey day and a strong wind.
It flew off with great glee... Out about 600 meters.
The wind was so strong I had trouble winding it back in...
Onto my small reel.
Luckily a friend came to help me and saved the day.
Since then I have decided I need a much
bigger reel that pushes into the sand...
And I have bought 2 smaller kites and a lighter dropper line
more suitable for my small reel.
Grey wilderness...
This long stretch of beach goes north to 'The 'bluff'...
About 35km...
Another popular fishing spot with a small camping place.
Wow Angela what a fabulous way to live!