My IT whizz kid friend told me about this web site...
I was asking him about getting better cell phone and
internet reception in areas where the reception is weak and spasmodic.
Try it... Any metal bowl will do...
I would love to hear back from you if it works for you.

I was asking him about getting better cell phone and
internet reception in areas where the reception is weak and spasmodic.
Try it... Any metal bowl will do...
I would love to hear back from you if it works for you.
Do look at this web site and browse through all the amazing ideas
that John has come up with... I'm impressed.
I did this some years ago with a wok but I just laid the dongle in the middle and the wok did its thing... the dongle was successfully stirfried along with the chicken and the bok choy...
ReplyDeleteLaying your dongle if you'll pardon the expression on the windscreen of a vehicle makes a difference to reception too, the glass being a good conducter it seems...