Friday, 28 September 2012

The Last Renovating Job... Day Five!

The last job is new shelves above the pelmets...
There is a lot of space along the main body of the bus.
I did consider putting lockers but then decided
I didn't want to loose the lovely curve of the roof.
This is a 'before' photo... The pelmet with the blind underneath...

Angus cut some of the pelmet away so the shelf could be screwed to the
 bus frame work along the side of the ceiling.
He decided to use pre-formed light-weight metal shelving...
It's stronger than ply wood...
And put a ply wood up-stand on it...
So it all blends in with the existing pelmets.

Here you can see it screwed in and beginning to take shape.
I am amazed... Angus can visualise the finished end result and how to make it happen...
I can make a cake! and visualise how that is going to be...
But I can't build things...
So I have great admiration for what Angus is doing...
Perfectly made to fit the space and look really great.

Here you might be able to see how the pelmet is cut away
 and the shelf fits in...

The ply wood  up-stand is clamped on...

Next the 1st coat of paint...

Carefully done... Rather Angus than me!

Here is the finished end result...
Blends in and looks like it's always been there.
The shelf is 200mm wide, an up-stand of 80mm...
And the shelf will hold cd's standing up and other light things.
Now for a shelf the same on the other side...

Everything is covered up... There is a huge mess...
And yesterday we had wild wind and rain all day...
Which added to the chaos.

My bus is not liveable for the time being...
So these renovations come with live-in accommodation...
Angus has a spare bedroom - so... It's better than a motel!
Everything will be finished today... So tomorrow is 'clean up' day