Sunday, 5 August 2012

A Day 'At Home'... Doing This and That...

We have had a lot of overcast days and rain lately...
Also I haven't travelled far...
So my house batteries were critically low...
This caused my fridge to stop working.
It runs on LPG but needs 12 volt electricity to keep the spark going
(as I understand it!)
I'm parked at Uretiti Doc Camp... a few others here...
So help immediately appeared in the form of four men...
Who all  put their heads together...
One hooked me up to his generator for a couple of hours...
And Lo and Behold... My battery charged up enough to keep me going till the sunny day we had yesterday.
(The other option of course is to run my motor and charge the batteries through the generator.)
So I made hot scones and invited them all for morning tea/coffee.
By special request they were cheese and onion...
My friend took some of the dough and cooked little scone/bread loaves in his camp oven.
It was all delicious... None left over!

Next for the day... while the sun was out... Was to finish my laundry.
Some had been hanging for a couple of days
getting well rinsed by the rain...
The rest was soaking in a bucket that was getting fuller...
And fuller from the rain.
The rain is very useful at times.
My friend increased the clothes line length so it all fitted...
And it blew in the sun and mostly got dry.

My garden needed some attention.... All the rain caused the pots to flood over the top and it washed out quite a ot of soil...
So the plan is to top them up a little with 1/2 a bag of potting mix that I have.
With some help  and my 3ft ladder I got them down...
They are still waiting for me to attend to them...
But I did pick some herbs; spinach, thyme, parsley, some viola flowers and a calendular flower for my salad.

While the sun was out... At the end of the afternoon we ventured onto the beach.
It was a cold southery wind so didn't stay long and the walk was brisk...
But the clouds were spectacular.
Then home to my friends fire and a whisky to warm up again.
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  1. This friend of yours seems to be around a lot...

  2. Isn't it about time for 'The big Reveal' Angela?? .........but then there is nothing like a good bit of mystery!!
