I went to a weekend seminar a while ago to learn about...And to experience...
'Sand Play' Therapy.
We did lots with trays of sand and small 'toys' and craft objects and beads, shells, stones and more...
To create and tell a story.
Another way of telling a story is with words...
Single words or short collections of words.
Each group was given a 'key' theme and used words to create and tell their story round this theme...
All the people in each group contributed their thoughts and feelings...
It was amazing what evolved.
Try it sometime to tell a story or express an emotion or
process a trauma.
Use colour and anything creative as well as words....
Words are amazing, a word is the smallest element that may be uttered in isolation, the term word refers to a spoken word or to a written word or sometimes to the abstract concept behind either.
Try and see what you can do with words... Tell your story.
Thank you for this Angela......I am going to put this into practice.